Web Comics

Trainee Space Chef: The Space Golf Caper
The long awaited comic from Alexi Conman and Cuttlefish. Read about how student space chefs Maria and Norton get mixed up in a jewel heist during the galaxy's greatest sporting event. 

Read it here.

Mysterious Invisible Scotsman
My favourite little one-off online comic strip, dealing with the complex issues of xenophobia, lost love and shortbread theft.
As Mike from Travelling Man said "I love seeing robots cry".

Find Mysterious Invisible Scotsman here

Alpha and Omega
The first and last strips for Paperjam's History...and that anthology. Dealing with the gods and their creation of the universe. I'm really pleased with it and it combines humour and pathos. Exhibited at the Made in Newcastle shop earlier in 2011.

Find Alpha here

Find Omega here

Bacillus Philistinus
An short online comic strip about a world weary bacterial. Contains a hidden message which no one else has been bothered to find. Too bad, but I like it.
Find Bacillus Philistinus here