2012 Comic Plans

After the Christmas and New Year lull I have finally got my comics mojo back (about time too as it is February). Over the last few days I've started drawing again in earnest and workin with some collaborators for upcoming projects. Here's a breakdown of what should happen for me this year.

Trainee Space Chef 2
Currently working on a fantastic new Trainee Space Chef script from Quinston. It'll be at least 16 pages of Space Crime Fighting hi-jinks. It'll be full colour and promoted mainly as a webcomic.

Project Robot
An eight page Robot project using an existing character. This is a great script written by Paul Thompson and will be fun to do. To be published in a small press anthology, currently waiting for feedback from the editor before putting pen to paper.

Secret Robot Project
A series of short stories using existing characters with a collaborator. Part of a big and bold plan which could be amazing. Can't say too much yet, very hush-hush.

Mini Comics Making Workshop
Arranging a Mini-Comics workshop in Newcastle Central Library on 21st April. Will also include some comics presentations from local comics gurus. Should be a fun event like the one last year.

Secret Webcomic Project
With collaborators Paul Thompson and Matt Bovington we're working on an anthology webcomic. It's just out of the chatting-about-it-in-the-pub stage but should appear soon as we are all keen.

Waiting for some scripts from Gordon but will continue this year. Delaying a little until we can get the blog sorted out and made more user friendly.

Taxonauts 2
Matt and I still have plans to do another Taxonauts, may wait til later in the year as we've not started talking about the script yet. Also, I need to find some more outlets and distribution channels to sell it through.

Canny Comics Con
Let's just see

It doesn't look much but I've bound to have forgotten something.
